We take into account the concerns of teachers about the security of the export of grades. We have therefore placed increased emphasis on securing and testing the whole process:
your Moodle user account is protected through an SSO gateway using CTU identity;
when exporting a grade, the command is signed with the user’s username - so another teacher cannot export the grade on your behalf;
commands to KOS are protected by a database login and an IP address filter, accepting only the address of the machine on which Moodle FEE operates;
you will be informed by an e-mail message from KOS when a grade given by you is overwritten by another teacher;
on the KOS side, an additional check of the user’s identity takes place (e.g. the lecturer has to be the course’s examiner, the student has not already received another grade for the course that day, etc.)
However, if you are still concerned about the security of the whole process, please do not hesitate to contact us - we will be happy to discuss your concerns with you.
Page ‘Grade export’ allows exporting grades to KOS. You can find here a list of KOS courses connected to this Moodle course. For each KOS course, you can only export grades appropriate for this course’s completion type. You can even export grades for all KOS courses in a Moodle grouped course if all the KOS courses share the same completion type.
Creating a grade item
If there is not a valid grade item, you will see a warning to the left of the “Prepare export” button informing you about the missing grade item[1]. We recommend creating a grade item through the “Prepare export” button to prevent errors.
If you want to create the grade item manually, you need to choose the correct scale and the correct name of the grade item. For assessment you need to use the “Grading Yes/No” scale and for exam/graded assessment use the “Grading A to F” scale. Grade item name can be in two different formats. Moodle will first look for a grade item in the X_Y format. If a grade item in this format is not found, Moodle will look for a grade item in the Y format.
X_Y where X is KOS course code and Y is completion type abbreviation (‘Z’ - assessment, ‘ZK’ - exam, ‘KZ’ - graded assessment). Example: B3B38SME_ZK
Y where Y completion type abbreviation (‘Z’ - assessment, ‘ZK’ - exam, ‘KZ’ - graded assessment). Example: ZK
How to perform export
First, select a KOS course and the grade type you want to export. Click on the “Prepare export” button. This will take you to the next page, where you can see a table of student.
Conditions for export
The user must be registered in KOS as a teacher of the course
Student needs to have a ‘studuje’ flag in KOS (is currently studying)
Date for export must be in the current semester and must not be in the future
If a student has already been graded, only the author of the original record can overwrite it
For exam:
A grade can only be overwritten if the student has a grade of F and the user is also the author of the record
The user must be registered as an examiner
Table description
Export - There is either a checkbox to select this student for export or a red icon signalling that the export is not possible.
Status - Here you can move the mouse over the icon to see why the export cannot be done.
Username - Student’s username.
First name - Student’s first name.
Surname - Student’s last name.
Grade in Moodle - Student’s grade in Moodle taken from the appropriate grade item.
KOS Assessment - Information about student’s assessment from KOS.
KOS Grade - Student’s grade from KOS.
KOS record author - Author of the last KOS record for this student in this KOS course. Shows the author’s username and a date of the last record. Date is in dd-mm-yyyy format.
Note on the grade - Note that will be exported together with a grade for this student. It can be up to 64 characters long.
There are some filters above the table. They allow you to:
Show only the students for whom the export can be done.
Show only the students that have a grade in Moodle.
Show only the students belonging to the selected group.
You can also select a date for export. This date will be set as the KOS record creation date. The date must be in the current semester and cannot be in the future.
After selecting the students for export, you can continue by pressing the “Review grades to export” button. This will take you to a new page showing a table of students whose grades will be exported to KOS. If data in the table matches what you wanted to do, you can continue to the next page using the “Confirm export” button.
On the next page you will see, if the export was successful. Please contact us via Helpdesk if something goes wrong.